I'm Shamu

I'm Shamu, the Big Cat of West Volusia. I'll give you the skinny on what's really going on. When I speak, everyone listens. Stop by, add your news and opinions.

My person, Patti, will sometimes share her thoughts. I have to put up with that in exchange for her typing services.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another reason Farmton is a bad idea

Tearing up the ecologically sensitive area of the county to put in a huge (28,000 plus) development just doesn't seem like good planning.

Now, the County Council has even more reason to reconsider: as the sea levels rise due to global warming, the 100-year-flood plain will flood more and more often. Read the story here. More than 70 percent of the development will be in a 100-year-flood plain. Plus, the urbanization of these undeveloped lands will add to warming in Volusia County.

It doesn't make any sense to build there.

Just wait until the development is built, and people buy. Wait for the first tropical storm. Most of those pretty houses will be flooded. The residents will be screaming at the county to fix the situation, at county (i.e., taxpayer) expense.

They will tell the county, "You approved this didn't you? Why would you approve something that is going to flood every time we get a little tropical storm? This is your responsibility."

I kinda think they would be right.

I don't like getting my feet wet. As Molly the dog says, "Water is for drinking ONLY." Keep me high and dry, please.

Does the County Council get it? Do they really believe this development is going to pay for itself — for all the roads run into the conservation core, followed by road maintenance, plus law enforcement, fire and emergency services?

Do they really believe it's a good idea?


  1. If the price is right the answer is always YES! Make a crooked politician cry - vote YES on 4.

  2. Of course growth pays for its' self, pigs can fly & unicorns still dance in the rain!

    Vote em' out & vote yes on 4.
