I'm Shamu

I'm Shamu, the Big Cat of West Volusia. I'll give you the skinny on what's really going on. When I speak, everyone listens. Stop by, add your news and opinions.

My person, Patti, will sometimes share her thoughts. I have to put up with that in exchange for her typing services.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Prepare for fireworks in DeBary Wednesday night — Recommendation: liberal servings of catnip just before the meeting

The agenda for the Aug. 4 DeBary City Council meeting is fairly light. That's a good thing, since it looks to be another noisy meeting.

It doesn't seem like tempers have cooled off much — especially Mayor Bob Garcia's — since the last City Council meeting. That's when he, Vice Mayor Norm Erickson, Council Member Jack Lenzen and the others got into it over the Mayor's Round Table Meetings and office space in City Hall.

We fat cats like our comfort, so I wouldn't have squawked over the office space. Too bad that became a bone of contention and source of drama. (Mayor Garcia operating out of his truck. Um hum.)

But c'mon, Mayor. Norm Erickson was right about the meetings. It's better to legally notice them, then no problemo about Sunshine violations.

The problem is, if they're noticed as workshops or special meetings, they're not YOUR meetings any more. They are COUNCIL meetings. As these, on matters of concern to the entire community and City Council, should have been. They weren't a proper subject for a private round-table meeting. Discussion about how the city might handle traffic control and traffic on busy West Highbanks is a matter for the entire council.

And Erickson is right about the charter. The mayor doesn't run the government. In DeBary, the mayor is a City Council member who has a few extra perks and ceremonial duties, such as chairing City Council meetings and signing legal documents for the city as required by ordinance.

Aw well, here's hoping they can bury the hatchet. And not in each other.

Perhaps serve them all a bit o' catnip just before the meeting, to mellow them out. It was way too tense at the last meeting.

The meeting is set for 7 p.m. Wednesday in Council Chambers at DeBary City Hall. The resolution about office space is on the agenda. Public participation is permitted, and I encourage it!

Go argue your point of view.

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