I'm Shamu

I'm Shamu, the Big Cat of West Volusia. I'll give you the skinny on what's really going on. When I speak, everyone listens. Stop by, add your news and opinions.

My person, Patti, will sometimes share her thoughts. I have to put up with that in exchange for her typing services.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Elections, right-wingnut stuff

Around my house, we're pleased that Rob Sanders is going to be sitting on the bench in Volusia County. It was a close election — in the end, he won by only 52 votes.

That should serve as a wake-up call for a lot of people — primaries are important.

We're pleased about Andy Kelly keeping his seat on the Volusia County Council — even though some powers in his own Democratic Party weren't supporting him. We need people like Andy, though, who will vote against bad development.

In DeBary, expect a free-for-all this fall. The Koval-Long race promises to be the most interesting, but you never know.

Here's something really funny going around in an e-mail:

If you have not heard the Glenn Beck programs on Fox News you have
missed the most honest, factual documentation of the criminal
corruption of what is happening in Washington, and I would
encourage everyone to see as many of his programs as you possibly

Honest? Factual? Glenn Beck?

HA-HA-HA-HA Snort, paw-swat!


  1. What else did Andy Kelly take a stand on besides Farmton?

  2. Andy has opposed other comp-plan amendments, such as one that would pave the way for huge condos on the river at DeLand. He's also been proactive about protecting the Blue Spring watershed. He's the most preservation-minded one we have on the County Council.
