I'm Shamu

I'm Shamu, the Big Cat of West Volusia. I'll give you the skinny on what's really going on. When I speak, everyone listens. Stop by, add your news and opinions.

My person, Patti, will sometimes share her thoughts. I have to put up with that in exchange for her typing services.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The irony is lost on them

Sometimes it's hard to figure out if some of these preachers are just plain stupid, or if they just love publicity enough to endanger American lives at home and abroad.

I'm referring to the nuts in Gainesville, led by the Rev. Terry Jones at the Dove World Outreach Center. They want to burn Korans to commemorate Sept. 11. Sure, that will bring peace, just like Jack stealing food from my dish brings peace to our household.

Apparently, they don't have the intellect to notice the irony of a church called "the Dove World Outreach Center" doing this stuff. Yeah, the symbol of peace and love and hope, the dove.

Even Glenn Beck is condemning them, comparing their plan to "burning the flag or the Bible." You'd think that might wake them up. Never mind everybody else who's saying "don't do it," including Gen. David Petraeus and Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton, the Washington Post reports.

Hey, where's the stuff of your faith, people? Remember Jesus saying to love each other? If we act like a bunch of Al Quaeda types, aren't disobeying ? Aren't we becoming the enemy?

This afternoon, Jones promised to go through with the book-burning. Hmmm. Remember who else liked to burn books?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Rev. Jones and your 50 followers.

That reminds me, I better check my dish.

1 comment:

  1. Just another example of the value in separation of church and state. Perhaps these kooks will draw out a Muslim sleeper cell and the both of them can finish each other off. Extremist on both sides are equally dangerous and should be disposed of similarly.
