I'm Shamu

I'm Shamu, the Big Cat of West Volusia. I'll give you the skinny on what's really going on. When I speak, everyone listens. Stop by, add your news and opinions.

My person, Patti, will sometimes share her thoughts. I have to put up with that in exchange for her typing services.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Farmton, bears etc.

Now that the loonies have given up burning other peoples' holy books, and with no terrorist attacks, we can get back to griping about more local things.

Like land use.

The Farmton hearing began today. My cat ears pricked up when I heard they were holding in a third-floor conference room. Too many people showed up, and they moved it to the Historic Courthouse.

Why not in the County Council Chambers, which has much better acoustics, a recording system and more comfortable/newer seating?

I guess they don't want to audio-broadcast or record this meeting. And who wants the public to attend anyway? bah. Anyway, we'll see how things go. Since they don't let cats in the courthouse, I'll find it difficult to attend. Please post your thoughts and information about what's going on.

Farmton leads us to bears and that famous mile-wide corridor for black bears. I don't known how many of 'em are like me, who can read and write. The bears would need a map to follow the corridor.

Here's the good news for developers and the Farmton Hunt Club:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is considering a "hunt and kill" option regarding black bears, correspondent Michele Moen reports:

Dear friends,

Your money is not needed but your compassion is.

Please take 10 minutes of your time to read the attached brief info

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is seriously considering the hunt and kill as an option for Florida's rare and threatened black bear.

And the majority comments they are receiving are from the hunters!


1. READ the attached info. It is brief
2. PLEASE, visit the site and comment. Below is a short letter for your use in whole or in part as you please.
3. PASS this info on to others. You don't have to be from the State of Florida to comment.

Thanks so much for your kindness!

Send in your comments (you don't have to be from Florida to comment)


Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

The draft bear management report recommends that state wildlife managers "explore options regarding bear hunting as a tool to stabilize populations and maintain them within target levels."
The Florida black bear is a listed threatened species. Florida laws defines threatened as ". . . exists in such small populations as to become endangered if it is subjected to increased stress as a result of further modification of its environment."
In addition, under Florida law, the intentional killing or wounding of a listed species incurs a third degree felony.
Yet the FFWCC draft plan suggests that the Florida black bear, a threatened species that can be found no where else is the world, should possibly be hunted in order to manage populations? This is ludicrous.
Please remove any language considering the hunting of Florida's unique and threatened species.
Thank you


1 comment:

  1. Oh come on now, if we can get rid of the bears today then someone can not sue to stop the Farmton development later.

    Frankly, if you want more people to come out and support conservation where it matters most(the woods aka our Aquifer recharge areas!!) then the environmental community has to self regulate, back off, and support the rolling back of the ridiculous beach regulations for the turtles.

    Blasphemy? No.

    There has to be a value judgment. We make them every day. Example: hamburgers served at the Sierra Club cookout. East side folks have had other peoples environmental extremism cost us our beach access, business vitality, and quality of life. It is a shame it came to this but for many people environmentalism is a bad word.

    In fact there was an article who's headline read - "Whats the worst thing your can call an A4 supporter? Environmentalist."

    Correct the beach debacle and see chances for the woods help we need multiply.
