I'm Shamu

I'm Shamu, the Big Cat of West Volusia. I'll give you the skinny on what's really going on. When I speak, everyone listens. Stop by, add your news and opinions.

My person, Patti, will sometimes share her thoughts. I have to put up with that in exchange for her typing services.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't get mad, get Greg

In the middle of all the complacency and shyness about speaking up these days, we need people willing to speak up for the common good.

Take Greg Gimbert, for example. He got mad a few years ago, when he saw Daytona trying to ruin the town even farther than what it was already, and he got active in opposition to land-use changes that would allow massive increases in density.

Then, he fought for the Volusia Growth Management Commission to have some spine and say no to developers who want it to change its rules and give away any power it has to actually curb bad growth. That was successful, to date. Now, if only the Commission would actually do its job.

The latest — He, Ron Bynum and a bunch of friends took Amendment 4 matters into their own hands, and are urging voters to say yes to giving themselves some say in local land regulation.

The billboards are up. Here's my favorite, a good reason not to just trust our future to politicians:

Cool cat, Greg. Five purrs to you.

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