I'm Shamu

I'm Shamu, the Big Cat of West Volusia. I'll give you the skinny on what's really going on. When I speak, everyone listens. Stop by, add your news and opinions.

My person, Patti, will sometimes share her thoughts. I have to put up with that in exchange for her typing services.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DeBary litter-box scratchings

Yes, folks, I'm back!  I took a hiatus after the elections, then my typist has been really busy with her personal life. I may have to replace her.

Anyway, it's time to chat. Just a light scratching of the litter box is turning up a lot of s@@@.

Word is that City Council members wanna give themselves a discretionary fund of a couple o'thousand bucks each to spend just as they want. And if they wanna get together and pool it for one big thing, that'll be ok too.

Hmmm. Wonder if that will come up at Wednesday night's 6 p.m. workshop. There's an agenda item under which discussion could be directed that way.

Of course, if this scuttlebutt is so, it will mean a serious Sunshine Law violation. Any such discussions among council members is supposed to be during open public meetings. We'll have to keep an eye out.

The other thing that rose to the top of the box is that the mayor wants to overturn the charter form of government under which DeBary operates now, and run the city himself. (Wonder if he'd be elected, or serve a lifetime term) Talk is the mayor would like to do this by resolution instead of referendum, but I doubt it could happen that way.

I also hear that Deltona's mayor is interested in the same thing.

The last thing turned to light lately is that the Green Bridge/Greenstein (gambling) people from Iowa are back, having quiet talks with City Council members. The local corp. they formed for this purpose, the innocuous-sounding DeBary Real Estate Holdings LLC, is still active, with an annual report filed last month. Doubt the Green Bridge people would bother to keep the corp. active, if they have no plans.